Become a Scholarship Application Evaluator

Volunteers play a crucial role in assessing scholarship applications and contributing to the future of our community.

Interested in a hands-on volunteer opportunity to read, evaluate, and make scholarship decisions for students? Are you passionate about education and the power it holds to transform lives? If so, consider becoming an application evaluator and play a crucial role in shaping the future of deserving students.

As an application evaluator for the Sacramento Region Community Foundation, you bring your life experiences, perspectives, and knowledge to the scholarship selection process. As you read through applications, you’ll understand the determination and potential of students striving to achieve their dreams. Your recommendations will guide the selection process, and directly contribute to empowering the next generation of leaders, professionals, and change-makers — fostering a brighter future!

We prioritize transparency, fairness, and ethical conduct. Our application evaluators are carefully selected based on their relevant experiences and knowledge and commitment to unbiased decision-making. We ensure that conflicts of interest are avoided and reviewers make independent, impartial choices based on established criteria, in accordance with IRS requirements. With the support and guidance of our staff, you can confidently navigate the review process, knowing you are making a genuine impact.

Most of the scholarships we offer are funded by local people and businesses who want to help students succeed. When donors established their scholarship funds, they do so with specific intentions. As an application evaluator, you play a vital role in honoring these intentions by adhering to the guidelines set forth in fund agreements. Donors may have diverse objectives, ranging from supporting students in particular fields of study to encouraging attendance at specific institutions or bridging gaps for students in need. Your dedication to understanding and respecting these criteria helps us fulfill the donors’ wishes and make a lasting difference in students’ lives.

If you are interested in becoming a scholarship reviewer and being part of this rewarding experience, we encourage you to register below. In the future, we will reach out to you with all the necessary information, applications, training, and any additional resources you may need to embark on this important role.

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Please contact Tina Bryce, Director of Scholarships & Awards, with questions.