Informed Philanthropy

Donor Portal

Upcoming Events

Whether giving now or later, you can contribute to your charitable fund using savvy options. We encourage you to seek guidance from your financial advisors, and our team is available to help facilitate these transactions with no hassle for you.

For fundholders with Donor Advised Funds or Nonprofit Funds, granting is a breeze. Use the donor portal or print and return a Grant Recommendation Form. If you need support with the portal, contact us or review the User Guide.

Connect with fellow philanthropists at our upcoming events. Please note that details are subject to change.

Big Day of GivingThursday, May 2
Fundholder Spring MixerTuesday, May 21
Celebration of GenerosityOctober 7
Grant Request DeadlineFriday, December 6
Yolo Community Foundation’s Philanthropy Breakfast
Celebration of Generosity

Please contact us with any questions.

Who should I contact if I have questions?

For questions, contact a member of our Philanthropy Team or reach out to our office at (916) 921-7723 or

How can I add to my fund? Can others contribute?

You can grow your fund with a variety of assets. We have in-house expertise to process complex gifts, in collaboration with you and your financial advisors, and ensure you achieve the greatest tax advantages. You can also include your fund in your estate planning. For more information, see Ways to Give.

Anyone can make a charitable contribution to your fund through the transfer of a variety of assets, including cash, appreciated securities, real estate and more.

What are the fees for administering my fund?

Fees from charitable funds at the Sacramento Region Community Foundation fund our operations and are re-invested into communities through grantmaking, programs, and initiatives that support urgent regional needs. Our support fees vary based on fund type and, in some cases, on the size of the fund. See our fee schedule.

Can you help research nonprofits to support?

Yes, our team is available to research nonprofit organizations working in the areas of interest to you. We can provide a list of organizations and even connect you to help build meaningful relationships. We also make GivingEdge, the database of Sacramento area nonprofits that powers Big Day of Giving, available to our community year-round, and often recommend using its advanced search features to discover new nonprofits in the Sacramento region.

How do I recommend grants? Can I give outside of the region or to individuals?

Donors with Donor Advised Funds or Nonprofit Funds can direct grants from their at any time by logging in to the Donor Portal or completing a Grant Recommendation Form. Our granting policy recommends donors direct grants at least once a year, and requires a grant to be distributed at least once every three years.

Donors with Donor Advised Funds can give to organizations anywhere in the United States that are certified 501(c)(3) charitable organizations. Our staff does the due diligence to ensure all nonprofit recipients are in good standing and actively certified as a 501(c)(3). You are not able to grant to individuals using a Donor Advised Fund.

How do I update information related to my charitable fund?

To ensure you are promptly informed about news and transactions related to your charitable fund and opportunities to make a greater philanthropic impact in your community, please update your contact information. For additional support, please contact a member of our Philanthropy Team or reach out to our office at (916) 921-7723 or

Your philanthropy is personal. We are your support team, here to help you give with confidence.